Monday, 14 July 2014

Electronic Medical Billing

A1A Medical Billing & Practice Management is a professional medical billing service located in Miami, Florida that is dedicated to meeting all of the insurance and patient billing needs of your practice. We offer a variety of highly personalized services that can improve your cash flow and lower your medical billing costs by 50% or more. We have plans designed to meet the needs of individual and small group practices, as well as large medical corporations with many providers.

A1A Billing & Practice Management is a professional billing service dedicated to meeting all of the insurance and patient billing needs of your practice. We offer a variety of personalized services, which can meet the needs of medical & dental practices.

Medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider. The same process is used for most insurance companies, whether they are private companies or government sponsored programs. Medical billers are encouraged, but not required by law, to become certified by taking an exam .

Electronic medical billing is the process by which a health care provider electronically submits a bill, or claim, to a health insurance company, or payer, for the rendering of medical services.

A1A Medical Billing & Practice Management  provides a dedicated resource for your practice that can simplify billing, allowing you to spend more time caring for patients while remaining confident your billing is on track.
A1A Medical Billing & Practice Management  fully optimize revenue while maximizing the use of technology and streamlining billing . This one-platform approach connects and synchronizes the clinical, administrative, and revenue solutions across all areas of a practice ensuring you capture every dollar.

18520 NW 67th Ave #230
Miami, FL   33015

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